I’ve always been a writer but I’ve only been a coach for the past 40 years.
Although I’ve successfully published four non-fiction books, I’ve also wrestled with several novels that, despite great professional feedback, I’ve never felt were ‘good enough’ to publish with integrity. Writing fiction is like getting naked. You don’t want people to laugh at you, or worse – vomit!
Then in 2014, I had a life-transforming experience. It felt like Shakespeare had become my inner coach. I discovered the intuitive ability to hear, see, and feel the deep cryptic messages camouflaged for 400 years in all of Shakespeare’s plays. I could see the hidden, invisible, process he was using all the time to create the greatest writing the world has ever seen. It was as if he had a magic compass guiding him.
As a coach whose life purpose is to do unique, original work always at the cutting edge, I was determined to make these awesome secrets teachable. Having blown my own mind trying out the Bard’s ‘secret compass’ on my own work, I’m in no doubt I can now help you to ignite and unleash the genius writer you really are inside.
You can now reap the rich rewards of 40 years of soul-centered coaching experience blended with ‘BardPower’. You will be granted access to the proven secrets that guided the world’s greatest-ever writer to produce work of timeless relevance, undying importance, and a multi-million-dollar global following of loyal fans.
It’s now your time to hear that standing ovation, and see and feel your genius fully recognized.
As well as having coached well over 2000 clients, Paul Hunting has a BSc. in Psychology, is working on a Ph.D. in Shakespeare’s theology, is an expert horse whisperer, a master of horse-assisted transformation, and has clocked up over 35,000 hours of spiritual meditation, workshops, seminars, and meetings.
Understanding The Inner Adventure Ahead

- Lose the existential fear that drives limiting behaviour
- Gain the power of knowing your true purpose
- Understand how your false purpose keeps you trapped in the mundane
- Set goals from a mindset that wins the ‘inner game’
- Overview the seven points of Shakespeare’s Secret compass
Understanding The 7 Points of Shakespeare’s Secret Compass

- Gain the soul-self-awareness to give your stories a winning edge
- Understand how Shakespeare’s soul-centred ‘spiritual psychology’ shapes all his plots and characters
- Use your inner ‘BardPower’ to customise your unique story engine
King Lear, say, has enthralled and baffled directors, audiences, actors and scholars for over 400 years. See how combining some deceptively simple paradigm shifts enable you to craft a story that will engage and intrigue your readers in equal measure.
Understanding the Symbology of Blood: The Holy Grail of Writing

- Become a Truth Junkie
- Understand the ultimate truth of the ‘sangraal’, the ‘royal blood’ of the Grail
- Communicate the ultimate truth subliminally
- Dovetail Shakespeare’s archetypes with Joseph Campbell’s story structure
- Make a genuine difference in this harsh world
Understanding Grail Motifs

Gain fecundity: the art of planting a seed that manifests an infinite variety of new growths, an infinite series of expressions of your core message and intention.
While Joseph Campbell has offered us a ‘hero with 1000 faces’, Shakespeare gives us 32 iterations of the even deeper secret of the Holy Grail. Using BardPower – with or without Campbell’s mythic structure – means you’ll never again be at a loss for a compelling idea.
Understanding Wordplay

- Understanding the subtle influencing power of allusions, metaphors, anagrams, puns, homonyms, synonyms, humour and the absurdity the Bard uses on us without mercy
- Raise your game as a master of cryptic wordplay
- Be stimulated to expand your right-brain/creative thinking
- Fine tune your intuition and spiritual attunement
- Gain confidence to subliminally say what you really mean without risk of recrimination
They say ‘practice makes perfect’. Not so. Not so. ‘Practice of perfection makes perfect’. Shakespeare is as close to perfection as we’ll ever get. Practicing his techniques will bring your work that much closer to the perfection you seek.
Understanding The Mystical Secret Of The Tree Of Life

- Gain access to the source of all life: joy, abundance, fulfilment
- Gain the power of Excalibur as you claim your rightful crown
- Wield the Sword of Truth in your stories
- Wield the Sword of Truth in your life
- Become the worthy champion of your own writing destiny
Great knowledge and great power can only be tempered by great responsibility. As you write and express yourself from your spiritual heart, you will be tested, you will fall – but you will also get up. If you can define success as ‘getting up one more time than you fall down’, you will be unstoppable.